How Mobile-Friendly Is Your Website?
When’s the last time you checked your website analytics to see the devices used to access your site? If it’s more than 30 days, you’re not doing your job as a marketer or webmaster . This metric has become one of the new KPIs for any company to look at on at least a monthly basis. Why? It’s changing every month as both consumer behavior and mobile technology change. You will be surprised to the devices that visitors are using to view your site, and the rapid change in the percentage of total traffic that is mobile. For some businesses, it’s increasing at an absolute change of 1% per month (i.e., 12% of traffic is mobile in August, and then 13% in October!). In the example previously given, which is about average for e-commerce, 25% of your site visits will come from mobile by Black Friday of 2013! If your site doesn’t look good and don't have a good responsive website , you will not only frustrate visitors but data shows they will not recommend your site to others (this...